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Saturday, June 29, 2013

First Fluff Mail!

Okay, so after watching several friends and family members go gaga for the advantages of cloth diapering, I knew we would get on board. I knew it was better for the environment, our checking account, and for baby... But why the hell didn't I know how ADORABLE they would be?

After scoring my first five diapers from Dirt Cheap (Charlie Banana), I decided to branch out and place an order on Kelly's Closet for some covers. My SIL ChloƩ recommended using covers and prefolds as a cost effective cloth option, so I did a little research and decided on the following for my second purchase:

2 - Rumparooz One Size Covers (Preppy, Pumpkin)
1 - Thirties XS Cover (Baby Bird Blue)
1 - Blueberry One Size Cover (Giraffe)

I chose all aplix (velcro) for this order, because my other five are snaps. Also, using a coupon code for purchases over $60 (MONKEYS), I received a Bumgenius 4.0 in a lovely green shade. I also picked up a Bummies Small Wet Bag, which is pictured above.

Initial Thoughts:

- Loveeeeeeeee.

- Really loving the Rumparooz style. The Blueberry seems HUGE compared to how small the Rumparooz get.

- Love the double gussets around the legs. Seems like a great way to prevent leaks.

All in all, I'm pumped to try them out!


  1. Sounds great! I can't wait to see your adventures once Baby is here! We are pretty much convinced we want to cloth diaper when the time comes, so I love learning as much as I can through friends! :)

  2. Hey Laura. Would you open to used diapers in good condition? My kid is getting closer & closer to being potty trained, and I know I have several diapers that are gender-neutral in color.

    1. Not sure if you can tell from my Google account I used to post this, but this is Amanda Thomas.


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