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Thursday, July 18, 2013

7 Days: What's in my Diaper Bag! And a birthday shout out!

First, can I give a BIG Happy Birthday to my amazing, patient, loving, hard working husband?! He's 31 today, and we've had a great time running errands and stuffing cloth diapers! ;)


Today, I impatiently stalked the UPS man until he delivered a VIP (Very Important Package): my diaper bag!

After deciding that my previously purchased diaper bag from Vera Bradley was just NOT big enough to accommodate cloth diapers and a whole host of other baby gadgets, I did some research and settled on the Skip Hop Versa Expandable Diaper Bag in Metallic Bronze ($55.88 on Amazon). Not only can I fit all the baby junk and a few necessities for me, it isn't very "babyish." Know what I mean?

I will do a more in depth review after I've used it's little longer, but so far, I love the looks and functionality! 

In the meantime, here are a few of the items in my bag right now that were either recommended to me or...well, cute. :)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

1. Lion Wubba Nub, $12.00 (Uses an Avent Soothie Pacifier)
2. Bummis Fabulous Wet Bag in yellow, $11.02
3. Natursutten natural rubber pacifier, $9.10
4. CJ's BUTTer lotion in Lullabye, $9.00
5. Muslin swaddled blankets, (Mine are Chickpea, which you can usually find at TJ Maxx for much cheaper!)
6. Munchkin Pacifier Wipes, $3.49
7. Tommee Tippee 4.0 oz bottles, (You can also find these at TJ Maxx sometimes!)


  1. Yay! Is it weird that I like to see what other moms carry in their diaper bags?!

    I used the Tommee Tippee bottles with AW. Honestly, they're not my favorite. The nipple pushes in (maybe it's supposed to?) and AW gets frustrated because she can't suck as easily. Just a heads up.

    {Yes, I just gave unsolicited advice. Don't shoot me. ;) }

    1. It's not weird at all! I totally watch these videos on YouTube! I have Born Free bottles as a back up. Have you tried those?


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