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Thursday, May 9, 2013

DIY: Not Yo Mama's Burp Cloths


Let's get a few things straight:

1.) I am a hand sewing fiend. That's how I was taught by my grandmother, and that's what I do. That being said, you can use a sewing machine, and this project will fly by. I like taking my time.

2.) Pretty burp cloths are ludicrously expensive...says the chick who bought one recently because of the lion/penguin print.

3.) This is dirt cheap to make and all straight sewing. Easy peasy.



1 pack of Gerber flatfold diapers, 10 to a pack at Walmart. (Less than $10)

All Purpose thread


Fabric (I bought mine precut from the quilting section. You know, the little folded up 1 yard sections? One of those makes two burp cloths when cut in half the long way.)


1.) Prewash your burp cloths. Trust me on this. I usually balk at this step, but these puppies need shrinking. 


2.) Cut your decorative fabric, so it is about a quarter inch wider than you want on all sides. I just wanted a panel down the middle of my burp cloth.

3.) Fold your burp cloth in half lengthwise and sew the edges together. I just used a whipstitch. Turn your cloth inside out to keep from having that rough seam running down the length of your burp cloth.

 4.) I wanted my seam hidden under the fancy fabric, so I flattened my cloth out with the seam running down the middle (hence the need for the "turning it inside out" step)

5.) Sew each end closed. Again, I used a whipstitch.

6.) You could stop here, but why not decorate?

7.) I prepped my decorative fabric by finger pressing the raw edges down a quarter inch. I didn't use straight pins to secure to my burp cloth, because I didn't have any. Live on the edge.

8.) Sew the short edge of the fabric to your burp cloth and then do a long side. This helps you keep things from bunching up.

Ta- da!

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