I lost my mama at, what I now consider, to be a pretty young age. I feel like I have aged a decade since she passed. I went from naive, spoiled Mama's Girl to...Well, I don't know really. I grew up, I guess. Learned to manage my finances, got a real job, learned to stand on my own two feet.
Mother's Day is also a reminder that I am not a mother yet. This is, however, my first Mother's Day where I feel immediate, concrete hope of being a mother.
I am also blessed two have two very strong Mothers in my life, Malinda and my MIL Dorothy, who are constant in their support and love.
God has truly blessed me in my life to be covered up in moms, who have each taught me different things.
I pray that next year finds us celebrating Mother's Day with our sweet boy. I pray the same for others, like me, to whom the greatest gift of all would be a child.
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