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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy Day: The Liebster Award

Y'all, imagine my surprise when I woke up to a nomination from my dear sweet friend Abby for the Liebster Award. That and getting a package in the mail just about did me in! I'm so honored! Thank you, sweet Abby!
Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:
Answer the 11 questions that the blogger who nominated you asked.
List 11 random facts about yourself.
Mention some blogs you're loving reading at the moment
Set 11 questions for those newly nominated bloggers to answer.
Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

11 Facts:
1. I've been married three times to the same man but never divorced.
2. I have 8 piercings and 13 tattoos, but I'm über girly. Lots of folks think with that many mods you oughta be a Hell's Angel.
3. I could eat my mom's taco recipe daily.
4. I'm a graphic designer now, but I was a human resources representative for a long time. I LOVED my job. I wouldn't ever stop being a designer, but I do miss HR.
5. I'm obsessed with chevron. Yes, I know it's played out, but I like to use it in unexpected ways... Like on my living room wall...the whole wall.... :-/
6. Terry cloth and paper towels make me want to throw up. I hate the texture. Even the sound.
7. I started singing when I was a very little girl, and I received scholarships throughout college. My favorite venue? Canterbury Cathedral in England. I don't sing anymore, unless you count at 2 am to settle the bebe.
8. I have played the drums, the mandolin, and the piano.
9. I am obsessed with purses. I'm always stalking the new trends.
10. I won't go out without SOME makeup on. I think it's important to look your best...or at least 1/2 your best. You never know who you'll meet!
11. I'm a cloth diapering, baby wearing, natural-if-practical, Work at Home, easy going first time mama.

11 Questions:
1. Do you collect anything?
Purses. I have a whole purse closet that my dear husband turns a blind eye to. I also ended up collecting salt and pepper shakers as well. My favorite set are a pair of garden gnomes!
2. Do you prefer to go to the movie theater or catch the new releases from Redbox?
Redbox all the way. People being obnoxious in movie theaters makes my teeth itch.
3. Beach or mountains?
This one is hard! Depends on the time of the year. I REALLY love the mountains in the Fall.
4. Where is your dream city to live?
Is it corny if I say that I love where I am now? (Columbus, MS). My other choice would be Oxford! Hotty Toddy!
5. Flip flops or heels?
Flat shoes all the way. God made me short for a reason! (Probably because he knows I have a hate/hate relationship with potholes and curbs.)
6. What was the best day of your life, one that you'd love to relive just for the good memories?
Bringing home my sweet baby from the hospital! I just remember looking at him and being afraid that I'd wake up.
7. Link your favorite blog post you've ever written and tell me why it's your favorite!
I think my favorite would be our adoption announcement or my letter to Riley the day before he was born. Lots of sentiment there.
8. What fashion trend do you wish would come back in style?
I rarely let a favorite fashion trend die. I'm hardheaded. I could get in board with slap bracelets though.
9. If you could see any band or musician in concert, whether they still perform or not, who would it be?
Oh, wow. I'd pay serious money to resurrect Janis Joplin, the Grateful Dead, the Beatles, and the Beach Boys. Right now? I'd LOVE to see Michael Bublé. (Yes, I went there.)
10. Why did you start blogging?
I've blogged off an on for the last four or five years, but I started blogging again when we were getting ready to adopt our sweet boy. I've always loved writing, and I thought it would be a good way to share our story. I love making connections with other adoption bloggers. I also didn't see a lot of Mississippi Domestic Adoption blogging going on, so I wanted to add my two cents in for people like me who were looking for others to connect to.
11. What was your favorite grade in school and why?
My senior year of both high school AND college. So much excitement and promise. I also live those years to the fullest with friends. We always had a party going on!

Blog I'm LOVING:
Finding Our Way - McCall is bringing home sweet Emily from the DRC, so she always has insightful posts about adoption. She ALSO has incredible style and is a Noonday rep. Check her out!
The Sharenthood - Cindle is my guru of cloth diapering, and she's got killer wit. You will laugh. Guaranteed.

My questions:
1. What's the first thing you do in the morning?
2. What's one thing in your purse that you can't live without?
3. Any phobias?
4. Worst habit?
5. What is your favorite/least favorite food?
6. What's your favorite childhood memory?
7. What song do you sing into a hairbrush when nobody is listening?
8. Guilty pleasure?
9. Favorite song of the moment?
10. Pet peeve?
11. Where would you like to go on vacation right now?

Again, thank you, Abby! McCall, I can't wait to see your answers!

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