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Sunday, September 22, 2013

What Laura Loves: Studio Design (Apple Store)

I never anticipated how difficult it would be to keep up the pace of my design business while being a WAHM. Thankfully, I've gotten into a rhythm and have been able to meet all my commitments and even accept new customers.

The only thing I miss? Creating things daily.

Here's where my new favorite app comes in.

Studio Design is a micro-design app that encourages designers to create small square works of art and share them Instagram style.

With over 500 (!) free shapes, masks, and fonts, there is no way that you WON'T be able to create something beautiful. You can create fancy text masks or even base your design off of a photo in your library. Each piece is scalable and can be set to a range of colors.


If the 500 piece starter pack isn't enough for you, there are add-ons like "Call of the Wild" for .99, which include hand drawn nature elements for you to manipulate and incorporate into your artwork.

Taking collaboration to a whole new level, Studio also allows you to "Remix" any designer's piece, building on their work and adding your own personal spin. You can also share to a number of other platforms such as, of course, Instagram.





At the whopping price of FREE, there's no reason NOT to try it out!


Studio in the App Store


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