We went through a rough patch where we were really scared that this adoption wouldn't go through. There is nothing concrete to point to that lead us to believe that other than reduced contact with our birthmom. We allowed doubt to get in our hearts about whether or not this adoption was going to go through based on her lack of contact. Well, when I say we, we all know I mean me. My husband is the rock. He doesn't waffle. He just stays the course. I'm the one swinging between happy planning and hysterical praying. After talking with some fellow potential adoptive parents, we realized we needed to step back and give her some space and time to process.
We just have really been internalizing and focusing on putting one foot in front of the other during this wait.
Monday marks 30 weeks. It feels like a turning point...like the top of a roller coaster. It is possible that we will have Baby Riley in our arms in 9 weeks. It's also possible that we won't, but we are pushing through.
In the meantime, we've been finishing up the nursery:
And as most of you have probably seen on Facebook, David has finished his class for this semester and been accepted into the Masters of Nursing program! We're so excited and thankful. He will start in
late August, so he will have some fabulous baby time with Riley before he has to hammer down!
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