Let me tell you, it takes ENERGY to keep up with twins their age!
We've gotten lots of cuddles though, and that's the best part of visiting. :)
Several people have asked how the adoption is going, and as far as we know, it's fine. Baby is 28 weeks, so time is definitely running down. We pray daily for the continued health of his tummy mommy and him. (I'm sure you've noticed that we don't mention her name or circumstances. We do this to protect her privacy.) We haven't heard anything, so we are hoping that no news is good news. It's a hard wait, but she has it harder. I'm trying to be as strong as she is throughout this.
We're almost caught up on our baby purchases and supply gathering. We got our crib, and we've been promised a bouncy seat from the fabulous Pierce Family! (Shout out to Lydia, Jared, and AW!) we have our stroller, a small stock of clothes, etc, etc. A few more key purchases and we'll have enough to get by.
Here's our list:
More cloth diapers
Car seat (D's family is generously gifting this to us!)
Play mat
Ring sling or baby wrap
More bottles
Bottle warmer
Crib bedding
Diaper pail
Wet bag
Baby bag
Changing pad
Well, my list is longer than expected, but it's manageable. Lol It evolves daily, so if you see that I'm missing something, let me know in the comments!
Our biggest concern is legal fees, but we believe our bank will help us with a private loan.
Please continue with your sweet prayers and thoughts. I don't think we could've come this far without you! Your gifts, kind words, and unending support have blessed us beyond belief! You guys are certainly part of Riley's Village. ;)
You're soo welcome!! Cannot wait to meet Riley. :)